Who We Are
The Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana includes Jews from synagogues, organizations and communities throughout the state of Indiana. Although our members come from many different backgrounds and communities they are united by a commitment to furthering the security and well-being of the Jewish people and the United States of America. Our purpose at JAACI aims to provide a strong Jewish voice in the public square. We are committed to keeping our members, fellow citizens, and political leaders informed about policies and issues of concern to the Jewish community. Our purpose is to focus on policies and issues that are directly related to the security and well-being of the Jewish people and the United States of America. We recognize that reasonable people may have differences on a variety of important policies and issues and as such we do not take positions on issues not directly related to our purpose. The positions we do take derive from an adherence to the eternal values of the Jewish tradition and the principles of the American Constitution.
Our Staff Officers
President: Dr. Allon Friedman
Vice-President: Dr. Elliot Bartky
Vice-President: Dr. Richard Bentley
Treasurer: Mr. Ivan Ekhaus
Secretary: Dr. Larry Greenbaum
Advisory Board
Mr. Itamar Cohen
Dr. Jack Cotlar
Mrs. Esther Epstein
Mr. Barry Pakula
Dr. David Sanders
Mr. Jeffrey Sax
Mrs. Colleen Shere
Dr. Julian Ungar
Dr. Caryn Vogel