Indiana State Passes Anti-BDS Bill

Posted by Virtual Jerusalem, March 3, 2016 The Indiana Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel or its settlements. The bill approved...

Indiana State Senate Passes anti-BDS Bill

Posted March 3, 2016 by Haaretz Bill prohibits state from dealings with any organizations that support BDS, placing Indiana ‘among vanguard of states that have publicly defended the Jewish...

Indiana anti-BDS bill passes state Senate

Posted by By JTA 03/03/2016  23 Adar/5776 The Indiana Senate overwmingly approved a bill this week banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel or its settlements. The bill...

Indiana Passes BDS Resolution

Posted by Forward, March 2, 2016 The Indiana Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel or its settlements. The bill approved 47-3 on...

Indiana anti-BDS bill passes state Senate

Originally published by  Jewish Telegraphic Agency,  March 2, 2016 4:20pm WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Indiana Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that...

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