Tag - Allon Friedman

Indiana Lawmakers Pass Bill To Ban Dealings With Pro-BDS Entities, Forward

January 29, 2016 Forward The Indiana House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel. The bill sent to the state’s Senate on Jan. 26 defines “the promotion of activities to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel” as meeting the standard of “extraordinary circumstances” necessary under state law to mandate divestment from a company. The Indiana bill states that the effort to boycott...

Indiana House Unanimously Approves anti-BDS Bill, Haaretz

Haaretz, January 30, 2016 Bill banning the state from dealings with entities that have boycotted Israel now faces vote in State Senate, signature from pro-Israel governor. The Indiana House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill Tuesday, banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel.  The bill sent to the state’s Senate defines “the promotion of activities to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel” as meeting the standard of...

Indiana legislature unanimously passes anti-BDS bill, The Jerusalem Post

The Jerusalem Post, January 30, 2016 The Indiana House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel. The bill sent to the state’s Senate on Jan. 26 defines “the promotion of activities to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel” as meeting the standard of “extraordinary circumstances” necessary under state law to mandate divestment from a company. The Indiana bill states that the effort...

Indiana House Unanimously Passes anti-BDS bill, The Times of Israel

The Times of Israsel January 29, 2016 Law bans dealings with entities boycotting Israel; Gov. Mike Pence expected to sign legislation if state senate approves. The Indiana House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel. The bill sent to the state’s Senate on Jan. 26 defines “the promotion of activities to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel” as meeting the standard of...

Indiana House unanimously prohibits anti-Israeli BDS, Debka

January 30, 2016, Debka The Indiana House of Representatives has unanimously passed new legislation that targets businesses or other entities that engage in the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. It was sponsored by state House Speaker Brian Bosma and passed on Jan. 25. In Florida, anti-Israeli groups have rallied to block a bill prohibiting the state from doing business with companies that boycott Israel which was...

Indiana Measure Is Latest State-Level Setback for BDS Movement, the Algemeiner

the Algemeinier January 29, 2016 JNS.org – The Indiana House of Representatives this week passed new legislation that targets businesses or other entities that engage in the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, marking the latest victory in the fight against BDS on the US state level. House Bill 1378, which was introduced by Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma and was passed unanimously by the legislature on Jan. 25...

Rep. André Carson’s judgment is questionable

  In his Jan. 17 column, Matthew Tully misleadingly portrays concerns over the recent appointment of Rep. André Carson to the House Intelligence Committee as being motivated by an anti-Muslim bias. In fact, the concerns are directly related to Carson’s behavior and questions about his judgment and intentions. In June 2014, Carson was invited to be the keynote speaker at the newly established U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, the...

Poor Policy Choices Leave Jewish State Vulnerable

Published: February 12, 2013 3:00 a.m. in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. As President Obama begins his second term, it is an opportune moment to critically evaluate his foreign policy record, which thus far appears to be based on the concept that peace and strength can be gained through abandoning one’s friends and appeasing one’s enemies. As evidence of this, consider the following. Obama recently declared that a certain Mideast nation...

Donnelly breaks from Obama on Israel – Southbend Tribune

By ALLON FRIEDMAN and ELLIOT BARTKY 5:15 a.m. CST, February 12, 2013  Southbend Tribune. As President Obama begins his second term in office, it is an opportune moment to critically evaluate his foreign policy record, which thus far appears to be based on the concept that peace and strength can be gained through abandoning one’s friends and appeasing one’s enemies. As evidence of this, consider the following. Obama recently declared that a...

From Al-Masara to the Wall Street Journal: A Case Report of Palestinian Fauxtography

By Allon Friedman The American Thinker December 10, 2012 Like all supporters of Israel, I am acutely aware of the mainstream media’s all-pervading anti-Israel bias.  I learned long ago that news reports which fairly present Israel’s version of the conflict are as rare as July snowflakes in Houston.  A recent experience of mine only reinforced these beliefs. While leisurely perusing a recent edition of the Wall Street Journal, I came across an...

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