Dr. Charles Jacobs is the president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a Boston-based organization advocating for the civil rights of Jewish college students and objectivity in high schools’ Middle East curriculum, as well as educating the public on the Islamist threats to American civil society. Dr. Jacobs also co-founded the Boston branch of CAMERA, the David Project, and the American Anti-Slavery Group, which brought...
Tag - Elliot Bartky

Thank you GovernorEric Holcomb for supporting Israel and the Jewish...
March 18, 2024 The Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana (JAACI) thanks Governor Eric Holcomb for supporting Israel and...
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INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, MARCH 2024The Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana is opposed to HEA 1002 as passed by the Indiana...
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Opinion: Indiana bill defining antisemitism protects Jewish students...
Allon Friedman and Elliot Bartky Indianapolis Star We are leaders of the Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana, a...
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Indiana’s HB 1002: Addressing antisemitism or silencing free speech?
Those in opposition fear HB 1002, which cites examples of anti-Semitic speech, could make it illegal to criticize the Israeli...
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Jewish Communal Organizations are Endangering American Jews
American Thinker, March 17,2019 Elliot Bartky and Alon Friedman Congress’s refusal last week to censure or even...
Read MoreOriginally Posted on August 17, 2018 via Current in Carmel. The recent defacement of Carmel’s Congregation Shaarey Tefilla with swastikas and iron crosses has galvanized supporters of a proposed statewide hate crimes law who argue that it will reduce the likelihood of future anti-Semitic hate crimes. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that such a law will address a key related issue—that there exists politically acceptable and unacceptable...
An Indiana Jewish group released a statement this speaking out against a proposed mosque in Carmel. The letter was written by top officials at the Jewish American Affairs Committee in Indiana. The Jewish leaders are concerned about a proposed mosque in Carmel. The Islamic group behind the mosque invited a noted Islamist with a radical history and background. It is not every day you see a Jewish group voice such concerns. Via The...
Letter to the Editor: BY CURRENT PUBLISHING ON FEBRUARY 11, 2018 Editor, As a statewide, grassroots Jewish advocacy group, we are committed to promoting the well-being and security of the Jewish people and society at-large. To that effect, last month we sent a letter to the Carmel Zoning Board recommending that it address whether the proposed Al Salam mosque is affiliated with or receiving funding from sources that advocate support for anti...
Originally published on July 23, 2017, INDY STAR. As a political science professor for over three decades, my research, teaching and community engagement has sought to further understanding about religion and politics. As such I must respond to a recent op-ed in the IndyStar by Dennis Sasso. Sasso’s vitriol against that with which he disagrees, be it the Jewish tradition or Vice President Mike Pence’s constitutional conservatism, is...
Originally posted at Jihad Watch, JUNE 19, 2017 5:48 AM BY HUGH FITZGERALD In Indianapolis, a billboard was recently put up that has caused quite a stir. It has been denounced as an “anti-Islam” billboard, because it lists six things about “the Perfect Man” (a clear reference to Muhammad, known in Islam as al-insan al-kamil, the Perfect Man), who (I quote verbatim the billboard): “1) married 6-year old 2) slave owner and dealer 3) rapist 4) 13...
Originally posted at Indianapolis Star on June 13, 2017 As officers of the only statewide Jewish advocacy group in Indiana, we feel obligated to respond to the letter signed by 16 rabbis essentially demanding the silencing of any public reference to Islamic hatred of Jews. This message directly contradicts core Jewish traditions as well as fundamental American rights. The rabbis would be well within reason to recognize historical Christian anti...
Donald Trump’s VP pick has legislated against BDS and against government control of religious practice BY ELLIOT BARTKY AND ALLON FRIEDMAN August 18, 2016, 3:10 pm Originally posted at Times of Israel, August 18, 2016.< JTA — With the presidential race heating up, a number of progressive Jewish commentators have portrayed the Republicans’ vice presidential candidate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, as a conservative extremist opposed to Jewish...
Origianlly published at Haaretz August, 8, 2016. Time and time again, Donald Trump’s running mate proved himself to be an honorable statesman devoted to the U.S. Constitution and a true friend to Jews in Indiana and around the world. In a recent opinion published in Haaretz, Rabbi Dennis Sasso repeated previous partisan attacks on Republican vice-presidential candidate and Indiana Governor Mike Pence, painting him as a conservative extremist...
Posted on July 15, 2016 by Sean Savage/JNS.org and filed under Israel, U.S., News. By Sean Savage/JNS.org After a selection process that more closely resembled a reality television show than the usual political appointments, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday tweeted that his choice for vice president is Indiana Governor Mike Pence, who beat out flashier contenders such as former House of Representatives Speaker...