Tag - Israel

Vague Reporting Fails to Draw Clear Picture

A letter by JAACI’s Vice President to the Indy Star Letters to the Editor   In describing the latest violence between Israel and Gaza, The Star’s tendency is to report facts that are devoid of context. Since news without context is worthless, it is hard to avoid concluding that The Star would rather push the vague and morally equivalent notion of a “cycle of violence” than accurately report that the violence and suffering are entirely the...

Challenging the Leftist Domination of the Jewish Community

April 10, 2011 American Thinker Change is in the air. From the toppling of Middle East potentates to the Tea Party’s dramatic rise to the recent historic public employee union legislation enacted across the Midwest, things suddenly seem to be turned on their heads. And from the unlikely location of central Indiana a new model has arisen for Jews whose unequivocal support for Israel and America has hitherto been marginalized. Background In...

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