“This essentially gutted the bill we wrote and leaves Jews without equal protection,” said Allon Friedman, president of the Jewish Affairs Committee of Indiana. (February 22, 2024 / JNS) The word “antisemitism” refers “to the May 26, 2016, working definition of antisemitism adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, which states that: ‘Antisemitism is a...

Combatting Antisemitism Conference hosted by the Office of Indiana...
9/20/2024 Since October 7, 2023, when Hamas horrifically attacked the State of Israel, antisemitic behavior across the United...
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JAACI invited by First Principles Forum to speak on the Middle East...
August 28 2024 The Middle East Conflict: What it’s Really About and why it Should Matter to Americans.
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Israel must acknowledge it is fighting against jihad
Accepting that Israel’s enemies are waging a religious war can reframe the narrative. (May 1, 2024 / JNS) ALLON FRIEDMAN Allon...
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Thank you GovernorEric Holcomb for supporting Israel and the Jewish...
March 18, 2024 The Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana (JAACI) thanks Governor Eric Holcomb for supporting Israel and...
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Please Veto HEA 1002
March 12, 2024 Dear Governor Holcomb, I am writing as President of the Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana (JAACI) to...
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INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, MARCH 2024The Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana is opposed to HEA 1002 as passed by the Indiana...
Read MoreThose in opposition fear HB 1002, which cites examples of anti-Semitic speech, could make it illegal to criticize the Israeli government for their attacks on Gaza. By JADE JACKSON January 25, 2024. Indianapolis Recorder. The Indiana House of Representatives unanimously approved HB 1002, which defines antisemitism as religious discrimination in the state education code, Jan. 18. With current conflicts in the Middle East, the bill that failed in...
‘Proving my original point’
WRTV By: Taj SimmonsPosted at 11:11 PM, Oct 12, 2023 and last updated 11:16 PM, Oct 12, 2023 Supporters of Israel gathered on the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, many of whom carried Israel flags. They said the demonstration was needed after a painful week. More from the rally on Monument Circle. pic.twitter.com/s4O08mkKVw— 93 WIBC Indianapolis (@93wibc) October 12, 2023 INDIANAPOLIS — The Hamas attack on Israel reignited tensions between...
Indiana State House Statement Against CRT January 12, 2022Rick Bentley, PresidentJewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana (JAACI) Critical Race Theory (CRT): An Ideology Promoting Hatred of Jews and Israel As president of the Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana, I am heretoday to discuss with you an aspect of critical race theory that is of great concern tome and the Indiana Jewish community I represent, but one that is...
Dear Friends, Our letter to San Francisco State President Lynn Mahoney regarding the upcoming event featuring convicted terrorist Leila Khaled was sent this morning: Thank you so much for your participation in this effort! Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and sweet year ahead, Tammi Tammi Rossman-Benjamin AMCHA Initiative, Director [email protected] 831-236-5812 www.AMCHAinitiative.org
"Without such safeguards, we believe that AB 1460’s plan for instituting an Ethnic Studies requirement on CSU campuses is very likely to lead to the incitement of hatred and harm, particularly against Jewish and pro-Israel students."
The purpose of the letter was to prevent the State of California from requiring all students to take an ethnic studies that was designed to promote identity politics and that would inevitably be twisted against Jews and Israel.
Years of neglect and misguided policies by mainstream Jewish leaders have failed to stem the shocking surge of Jew-hatred in America.
Indy JCRC, please start “safeguarding” American Jews and fighting Jew hatred and stop with your frivolous and even detrimental virtue signaling!